Vetsure insurance policies aim to avoid the pitfalls so frequently experienced with other types of policies. Therefore, ALL Vetsure policies are ‘lifelong’, which means their policies provide cover for long-term and recurring conditions.
Vetsure only offers lifetime policies, meaning your pet’s illness is covered for the entirety of his/her life. However, other insurers may offer different types of policies. Policies will normally fall into one of the following three categories:
‘Lifetime Cover’ - These policies typically provide the most comprehensive level of cover. Insurance cover “re-charges” each year that the policy is renewed. Depending on the provider, the benefit limit may apply in one of two ways:
1. The benefit limit is applied to ALL conditions per year e.g. £5,000 in total per year.
2. The benefit limit is applied PER CONDITION per year e.g. £5,000 per unrelated condition per year. For example, if your puppy was unfortunate enough to have three unrelated conditions you could benefit from up to £15,000 per year.
‘Maximum Benefit’ - These policies typically provide cover per condition but up to a maximum financial amount. Once the financial limit has been reached, no further claims for that condition will be paid. The limit is not “re-charged” each policy year.
‘Time and Benefit Limited’ - These policies typically provide the most basic level of cover and are usually amongst the cheapest available. Each condition is covered for 12 months from its onset up to a set financial limit. The condition will stop being covered after 12 months from initial diagnosis or when the financial limit is reached – whatever happens first. These policies tend to appear the most appealing on comparison websites due to their lower premiums.
Most policies have an “excess”. This is a sum that the policy holder must pay towards the cost of their insurance claim. For ongoing conditions, most insures will apply the excess once per year per condition. In addition, insurers commonly ask for co-payments – where the policyholder also pays a percentage of the overall veterinary treatment bill. This commonly applied for senior pets, but can be seen much earlier on some policies.
Vetsure only apply one excess per condition per lifetime, rather than re-charging the excess every policy year. Additionally, Vetsure introduce a co-payment of 15% after the age of 8 years old. This percentage is fixed, unlikely other policies which often use a rising co-payment as the pet ages.